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‘Parisland’ A Metaverse Dating Reality Show by- Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton's 11:11 Media has joined forces with gaming virtual world The Sandbox to create an exciting new game called Parisland.

Players will participate in a virtual dating reality show hosted by the socialite on The Sandbox's metaverse platform. The game, which falls somewhere between a game and an interactive TV show, takes place on a romantic tropical island and offers five potential romantic partners. The goal is to participate in tasks such as finding the island chef's famed Love Burger, choosing wedding rings, rescuing a castaway, and flirting with other contestants before choosing a partner.

Parisland will launch on February 13, just prior to Valentine's Day, and run for a month.

The Sandbox is a decentralized gaming virtual world that has partnered with big names such as Warner Music Group, Ubisoft, and Snoop Dogg, the collaboration between Paris Hilton and The Sandbox is set to be an exciting and romantic escape for players looking for a sunny and lighthearted experience.

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